With current covid-19 epidemic, learning has taken new dimension and different approaches MUST be explored to ensure that learning continues as expected. TVET Kenya has embarked on online training for trainers to ensure that they are not left behind. The following Courses are offered to enable trainers be acquited with knowledge, skills and altitudes that enable them to use online and bledded approches to training.
The courses include:
- Facilitating online courses
- Flexible Skills Development
- Blended Learning in Classroom
- Facilitating Using PowerPoint
Facilitating Online Courses (FOC)
Course Overview
This course is meant to assist trainers in TVET institutes who are planning, or currently delivering, an online course, to extend their skills in being an online facilitator. The course aims to help TVET educators establish or improve their own online or blended teaching practices and develop a working understanding of successful online teaching strategies. It is designed to be offered with a facilitator supporting cohorts of learners. However, individuals may find it helpful to work through the course to build their own understanding of online facilitation. The course is designed to be delivered over five weeks, with participants needing 2-3 hours per week to participate in the course discussions and activities.
Learning Outcomes
- Evaluate own readiness as an online educator
- Communicate effectively to promote online learning
- Identify and use appropriate tools for online learning
- Carry out effective online assessment
- Provide effective online feedback
- Effectively monitor and support learner progress
Flexible Skills Development (FSD)
Course Overview
This course is meant to assist trainers in TVET institutes to explore issues involved in introducing blended and technology-supported learning strategies into formal TVET systems and institutions. The course is designed to be offered with a facilitator supporting cohorts of learners. However, individuals may find it helpful to work through the course to build their own understanding of flexible skills development. The course is designed to be delivered over five weeks, with participants needing 2-3 hours per week to participate in the course discussions and activities.
Learning Outcomes
- Describe flexible learning terms commonly in use, (as reflected in the FSD course). Range: blended learning; flexible learning; open and distance learning; e-learning; m-learning, synchronous and asynchronous learning.
- Identify the range of issues concerned with implementing new learning strategies in own country context. Range: policy; ICT infrastructure; change management; CPD, leadership; learning materials; pedagogy and research; quality assurance, learner demographics
- List the components of a typical country policy framework in support of flexible learning. Range: ICT; ODL; e-learning; Open Source; OER; Access; PLAR (RPL/APL)
- Identify and describe 21st Century learning and teaching tools exhibiting teacher capabilities in association with content creation, storage, and delivery methods and platforms. Range: online LMS, cloud-based sharing tools, online information and resource channels, audio and video creation software, animated cartoon software, PowerPoint conversion tool.
- Describe the change management initiatives that may be present in a typical strategic framework in support of flexible learning and blended learning. Range: Institutional management and leadership; curriculum and assessment; benchmarking
Blended Learning in The Classroom (BLIC)
Course Overview
COL developed this course to assist teachers of TVET institutes to incorporate ICT into their courses, moving towards a blended learning model, which integrates online digital resources with classroom teaching. The course is designed to be offered with a facilitator supporting cohorts of learners. However, individuals may find it helpful to work through the course to build their own understanding of blended learning. The course is designed to be delivered over eight weeks, with participants needing 3-4 hours per week to participate in the course discussions and activities, and time to develop their own online course content.
Learning Outcomes
- Critically reflect on own teaching practice through investigation and testing of blended learning approaches
- Create an online Moodle course, with appropriate learning resources that supports your investigation
- Demonstrate awareness of good practice in blended learning facilitation
- Demonstrate awareness of good practice in instructional design
- Demonstrate use of a range of online activities and resources available for blended learning, including Open Educational Resources
- Create online formative assessment with effective learner feedback
- Carry out an evaluation of your blended learning classroom practices
Facilitating using PowerPoint (FUP)
This course is about using PowerPoint to enhance teaching and learning. It aims to help you create engaging and effective presentations for use in your teaching.
Learning Outcomes
At the successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Use range of technical features of MS PowerPoint in creating PowerPoint slides.
- Create a set of PowerPoint slides for use in a learning session aligned to specified learning outcome in own vocational area meeting technology and educational standards.
- Demonstrate the effective use of quality PowerPoint slides in an interactive learning session.
- Demonstrate a critical approach to the use of PowerPoint slides in an interactive learning session through participating in on-line discussion forums.