The ODeL in TVET Technical Committee is chaired by Dr. Edwin Tarno, the Principal – KTTC and Robert Okinda, the Head of ODeL at KTTC is the Secretary to the Committee, with composition from public and private TVET institutions across the Country.

The following are current members of the ODeL Technical Committee:

Francis Wambua  – Kenya School of TVET

Francis has diverse experience in TVET Training and development of OER learning resources. He is an ICT trainer, with experience in Learning Management Systems and Content Management Systems deployment, and website designing . He has worked closely with Commonwealth of Learning (COL) in facilitating online courses. He is currently the Coordinator Performance Contracting(PC) and HOD Open Distance and eLearning (ODeL) at Masai Technical Training Institute.

Felister Wanyaga Munyi – Kenya School of TVET

Felister is the Deputy HOD Research and Knowledge Management and also the Website Administrator. She is the ODeL Skills Cascade Coordinator in the institute and has innate passion for e-learning. She has widely published on e-learning in TVET and is actively involved in the development of Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).

Joseph Orina Makori – Regional Coordinator in ODeL

Orina is the head of ODeL and ICT integration department at the Meru National Polytechnic. He is an expert in IT, Statistics and Chemistry. He has over 10 years experience in TVET and ICT Integration in Education. He is passionate about learning online, augmented reality and data science. He is the author of Information Communication Technology: An Introductory Course for TVET students book. He is a lead implementer of Moodle LMS, trainer and a lead consultant in ODeL infrastructure development at the Meru National Polytechnic for a world bank financed project.

Abdi Tiony – Principal – Tinderet Technical and Vocational Training

Abdi is the Principal Tinderet Technical and Vocational    Training. Currently consulting as a facilitator on part time basis for flexible skills development, and Blended learning in the classroom (online) course offered by the Commonwealth of learning (COL). The course seeks to help Technical Teachers with Integration of ICT in education and introduction of flexible on campus, distance and Blended approaches to teaching and learning. Participants are drawn from TVET institutions in several countries in Africa.

Igecha Anne Wanjiku – Nkabune Technical Training Institute

Ann is a trainer and the HOD Open Distance and eLearning. She is also the coordinator research and development in the institute. Ann has been championing and coordinating the greening activities and flexible skills. She has facilitated Commonwealth of Learning Courses. She is passionate in online course material development.

John Maina Kabera – Trainer Nyeri National Polytechnic

John is the open, distance and e-Learning champion at the Nyeri National Polytechnic. He is also the COL Invest Africa champion for Flexible and Blended Learning.

Grace Apondi Titi – Dean of Students, Ramogi Institute of Advanced Technology

She is a Long-serving and experienced Trainer in TVET Institution. A professional with a high degree of technical skills demonstrated through an outstanding training and management record. She is a global TVET leader and 2019 Alumni of the UNESCO-UNEVOC TVET Leadership Programme, Bonn, Germany. She is currently the Co-coordinator of Open Distance and Flexible Learning and the Dean of Students at Ramogi Institute of Advanced Technology.

Anne Naliaka Mutsami – , Sigalagala National Polytechnic

Ann is the Deputy Principal Academics and Trainees’ Affairs. She is a specialist in Medical Microbiology and Coordinator of trainees’ curriculum activities and co-curricular activities.

Rose Nasimiyu Weswa – Shamberere Technical Training Institute

Rose is a senior Vocational and technical Trainer. She is the institutional Champion and in partnership with Common Wealth of Learning (COL) she spearheaded the introduction of flexible learning and that led to improved service delivery by embracing technology in teaching and learning. Rose is also in Quality Management system (QMS) Implementers committee member (ISO9001:2008) which has seen the institution receive an ISO 2008 – 9001 certification.

Robert Keter  – Rift Valley Technical Training Institute.
Mr Keter is a Senior Technical training and currently the Head of department E-Learning and External Linkages as well as the UNESCO UNEVOC Centre Co-ordinator at RVTTI Centre. He has a wide experience in developing online content as a content creator and trainer.
Douglas Muithya Muasya  – Coast Institute of Technology
Douglas is a Trainer with 15+ years in training computer studies, programming and computer repair.  He is also a  TOT in Ajira digital, author of mobile repair and maintenance published by commonwealth of learning  , an ICDL tester and an examiner with Kenya National Examination Council.
Anthony Murage Macharia – Kenya Coast National Polytechnic

Antony is the HoD Career Services and an established trainer with more than 20 years in TVET training. His expertise is in Hospitality & Tourism Management and Business Administration.

He has been in Commonwealth of Learning since 2009 having undertaken online training in Flexible Teaching and Learning, Flexible Skills Development for Managers, Teaching in a Digital age among other courses. He has also facilitated one COL online course in the past.

Darwin Anyona – Kenya Technical Trainers College

Darwin is a Trainer of Trainers at the Kenya Technical Trainers College. He is also the Coordinator of ODeL in TVET – Nairobi region. He is a dedicated, resourceful and goal-driven professional educator with a solid commitment to the social and academic growth and development of individuals. He has been working with Moodle since 2010 from both technology and learning development perspectives. For the large part of the time, he has been supporting staff and students using Moodle and other technologies for both online and campus based courses. He is currently part of the  ODeL in TVET facilitation team for Moodle Implementation Course offered to Kenya TVET institutions through partnership with Commonwealth of Learning (COL).

Jeanstella Fundi – Kenya Technical Trainers College.

A University of Nairobi graduate teacher with over 20 years training in technical teacher education at KTTC. Has served as Deputy Head open and distance learning and teaching practice zone coordination. Participated in CBET curriculum development for technical trainer education and flexible and blended TVET approaches. Involved in course design and development of materials within the Moodle learning management system. Have interacted with trainees in online sessions in Moodle Edmodo, Schoology and virtual conference tools.

Joyce Baraza – Kenya Technical Trainers College

Joyce is the the Deputy Principal in charge of Academic Affairs (DPAA) at Kenya Technical Trainers College. She is in charge of the core business of the college which is to provide quality training in technical teacher education and technology. She is a strong pillar of ODeL because she is determined to fulfill the vision of the college.

Ekrah Ndungu – GS
Nimu waweru – KEPSA
The technical committee is responsible for coordinating ODeL activities at national and regional level. The committee plans, implements and works with ODeL stakeholders, TVET institutions and those responsible for the final mile delivery of the ODeL in TVET project.

The ODeL Secretariat based at KTTC hosts the national LMS and provides technical and pedagogical support to TVET trainers across the country.

Contact – odelsupport@kttc.ac.ke

Contact Us

Kenya Technical Trainers College
Open Distance and eLearning (ODeL)
Postal Address: P. O. Box 44600-00100
Tel. 0707444222/0786444600
Email: odelsupport@kttc.ac.ke