Welcome Note

The National ODeL in TVET Committee is tasked to: develop a National Learning Management System (LMS) to be used to ensure training and assessment of learners takes place during and post COVID 19; build capacity of TVET trainers on ODeL; liaise with TVET Authority on all aspects on accreditation and quality assurance of ODeL programmes; liaise with TVET Curriculum Development and Certification Council on all aspects on curriculum and assessment, content mapping/ validation of ODeL programmes; and, advise the state department on other related interventions required to establish and upscale digital content uptake for the TVET sub-sector.


Contact Us

Kenya Technical Trainers College
Open Distance and eLearning (ODeL)
Postal Address: P. O. Box 44600-00100
Tel. 0707444222/0786444600
Email: odelsupport@kttc.ac.ke